PERFECT STAGE 專業化妝學校( PERFECT STAGE Professional Make-Up Academy ) 多年來所培訓而成功晉身化妝造型師行列的學員多不勝數。而本校最著重導師質素及教學方式,本校深信,完善而專業的教學制度及標準,才能有最專業的學習環境,有助學員學習到專業的化妝技術。而有質素的導師,最基本除了有專業的化妝技術及經驗之外,更重要是擁有專業的教授方法。專業的
P美容 / 教學進修Perfect Stage Professional Make-Up Academy

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k美容 / 男士美容klbb1230914

About P & L Associates The history of P & L Associates begins in 1989 when Mr. Allan Luk and Mr. Harry Tsui, the founders of the Company, started their software development programme for CSA,
P手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫P and L Associates

Apart from being the manufacturer and exporter of pearl jewellery, Rio Pearl is also famed for wholesaling loose pearl and pearl strands in all kinds including South Sea, Tahiti Cultured, Akoya, Fres
R設計 / 珠寶設計Rio Pearl

As a professional trade media in Hong Kong, Global Sources Publications Ltd. has been promoting global trade between worldwide buyers & suppliers for over two decades by offering first-hand marke
G商業 / 會社、組織及團體Global Sources Publications Ltd.

Babylon Design Company Limited is a cutting edge graphic design company that specializes in providing an inclusive range of services to clients from all walks of life. We offer expert graphic and web
B設計 / 電腦動畫Babylon Design Company Ltd.

.Our goal is providing high quality and the most comprehensive services to help corporations or investors exploit their business at home or abroad. .L F Z visa extension .Business registration .Work/

Babylon Design Company Limited is a cutting edge graphic design company that specializes in providing an inclusive range of services to clients from all walks of life. We offer expert graphic and web
B設計 / 電腦動畫Babylon Design Company Ltd.

專營品牌 [NUK] [Bfree] [Piegon] [Combi] [K's Kids] [Toyroyal] [BabyArt] [PUKU PETIT 藍色企鵝] [THOMAS] [Baby Land 嬰之寶] [CAPELLA] [思詩樂] Come on baby 寶 寶 萊 嬰 兒 用 品 公 司 葵涌葵富路7-11號 葵涌廣場 潮流廊2期 2012舖 Shop 2012, 2/

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Following the concept of IPM and our requirements of medically healthy operational standards, we are specialized in providing safety termite and pest control services. With our medical and pest contr

we specialize in the design,creation and production of multimedia projects and printed matter. Multimedia design crosses the territory of electronic design and printed matter.To successfully approach
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫柏靈科技有限公司

香 港 萬 象 姿 采 , 閃 爍 繽 紛 , 處 處 觸 動 心 靈 , 令 您 感 受 一 新 。 在 矗 立 城 中 的 高 樓 大 廈 間 穿 梭 閒 逛 、 於 名 店 或 露 天 市 場 盡 情 搜 購 、 遨 遊 維 港 欣 賞 醉 人 景 致 、 探 索 離 島 奇 趣 、 品 嘗 道 地 海 鮮 或 國 際 美 食 , 或 跳 上 電 車 樂 享 逍 遙 … 每
H旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Hong Kong International Travel Service Ltd

勤達中心MIDAS PLAZA座落於東九龍核心地段 – 新蒲崗大有街1號,為該區最新落成的高級商業樓宇,鄰近鑽石山港鐵站,地理位置優越,交通便捷,被譽為東九龍 最優質商業大廈之一。 新蒲崗是東九龍區發展迅速的新興商業區,未來將有多個發展項目,區域面貌將會有重大蛻變,發展潛力優厚。 交通設施四通八達 勤達中心盡佔新蒲崗區最有利位置,鄰近鑽石山港鐵站及大型購物商場,更位處彩虹道及大有街交
商業 / 商業優惠雋富商務中心

Treeham Productions Limited Treeham Productions Limited is a manufacturer and exporter of christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, sprays and other decoration items. With our professional knowledge of the
T家居 / 園藝及戶外設備Treeham Productions Limited

Treeham Productions Limited Treeham Productions Limited is a manufacturer and exporter of christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, sprays and other decoration items. With our professional knowledge of the
T鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Treeham Productions Limited
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